

Gemini Health and Relaxation

It can be almost impossible for some Gemini's to relax, since they hate inactivity. It makes them nervous. But it's vital for them to force themselves to unwind, to allow some time for the Mercurial batteries to recharge, before they rush off again into the world, with their brains buzzing. chattering away nineteen to the dozen. If Gemini's don't relax, they get nervous collywobbles, a complaint they share with Virgo, the other sign ruled by Mercury. Although Gemini's can become ill if they find themselves in an environment that is too peaceful and quiet, they must cultivate the self-discipline to retreat from the world every now and again.

They don't naturally enjoy their own company, and often find it difficult to live with themselves. They'll hate it at first. but should learn to set aside a couple of days a month when they can be alone. They should grit those Geminian teeth, and take the telephone off the hook, lash up the letterbox, and disconnect the doorbell.

It's also good for Gemini's to cultivate what they call 'naff pastimes, such as gardening, or even just growing mustard and cress on their Noddy face-flannels any run of the mill, restful recreation will be beneficial, as long as it's interesting enough so that they don't give up half-way through. Gemini rules the chest, arms and hands. When a Twin is talking (when aren't Gemini's gabbling?), he or she will look like a tick-tack man (or woman). Those arms fly in all directions at once and even when the Twin is on the telephone, the hand not holding the receiver will be waving about, performing graceful arabesques to emphasise a point. With all that waggling about, the arms and mitts are bound to come to grief quite often, and Gemini's who operate machinery of any kind should be doubly careful. Getting a finger trapped between the keys of a typewriter is one thing, but having your hand converted into a string of sausages is quite another.

The lungs and chest can cause problems for Gemini's they aren't taken care of. I'm always astounded when I see Gemini's smoking. They have so much nervous energy that the nicotine certainly calms them down, but it does terrible things to their lungs. A lot of Gemini's don't breathe properly anyway. They should practise breathing deeply and slowly and will soon notice the difference.

It's an odd thing, but Gemini's, who are known as the butterflies of the zodiac, can have terrible butterflies themselves. It's all part of their sensitive nervous systems, and if things get out of proportion, they can become nervous wrecks. They'll smoke six cigarettes at once in an effort to calm down, and get out the Wrigley's at the earliest opportunity.

Gemini's should ensure that they get enough sleep, too. A lot of them see sleeping as a waste of time, and would love to be able to function on as little sleep as possible. However. they should be disciplined and turn out the bedside light before beginning another chapter of one of the many books they are always reading. Many Gemini's are prone to insomnia, because they can't switch their brains off the way they can that bedside light.

Gemini's love doing several things at once, such as reading, watching the telly and chatting on the telephone, but every now and then should take things one at a time. They'll feel much better for it.

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